Monday, June 22, 2009

Back to School

This is the first day of school for this semester. Honestly, I don't like to go to school again. I am not against school in any way, it is just that sometimes i am bored by the lessons. Sometimes, or most of the times, they are like reviews of my self study sessions and when I am trying on new codes.

But honestly, I want to change my attitude about school. Before, I was thinking that I know everything I need to go solo on programming. Now, I want to change my viewpoint. It is true that I know a lot, if not all the things I need to be a good programmer. But I don't know everything. I am hoping to learn new things this semester, not some repeats like the last time I was at school.

Anyway, about my internet connection, I got a prepaid account on a mobile internet. The prices are too high and the speed is terrible. Too bad I already paid for the USB modem. This means that my online time is greatly reduced. Alas! This would also limit my time to read and write on blogs.

But I think by writing all my posts in a notepad when I am offline, I will still be keeping my blog alive. Although, I can't take part in the memes I've started posting on. That is too bad as I was hoping to revive poetry inside of me.

Anyway, I am on a school computer right now and I have one more hour before my internet laboratory class is dismissed. I think I would visit some blogs and post some memes if I can.

Sorry for wrong spellings and grammar, but I am cramming all my online activity in this last hour. :(

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